DHA GP exam failed twice, Preparation material
Hello... i am a struggling doctor, appeared for GP exam twice but failed. In my last attempt i was preety confident but dont know what went wrong. Looking for consistent DHA GP preparation material as i can not afford to fail this time. Pls help.
Medical Qualification: MBBS
City, Country: Bangladesh
How to register for DHA prometric exam in India because don't know when these prometric centers are opening.
Medical Qualification: pharmacy diploma
City, Country: Uttar pradesh, India
sir.. suggest me any good source for study material on which i can focus to prepare for dha exam. How to schedule for DHA exam. How to process for DataFlow. Thank you
Medical Qualification: Pharm-D
City, Country: Karachi, Pakistan
Heard that questions have changed dramatically due to covid 19, how is this new system work. please remove this ambiguity..
Medical Qualification: BDS
City, Country: Karachi, Pakistan
I am an Indian doctor living in south africa, i want to practice as dentist in UAE. How can i apply for this and what is the procedure.
Medical Qualification: BDS
City, Country: South Africa
What are the job prospects after dha exam and what is the basic salary offered to a GP doctor in start
Medical Qualification: MBBS
City, Country: India
I have question regarding taking dha prometric exam. planning to apply for dha exam it is unclear for me.
Medical Qualification: BDS
City, Country: Delhi, India
I am oral and maxillofacial surgeon in my country. what study material should i use to ace through this dha exam?
Dr. Anshu
Medical Qualification: maxillofacial surgeon
City, Country: lahore pakistan
Hello.. i am wondering that how much time it takes to process the application for dha. Is this dataFlow working these days? and are we going to see some or more changes in exam due to covid 19. please clearify.
Medical Qualification: Pediatrician
City, Country: Algeria