DHA Dubai Prometric Exam Schedule
Healthcare candidates who wish to write DHA exam, and are seeking information for available upcoming dates, they may review DHA Exam Schedule 2024. Before registering for the exam, kindly ensure that you fulfill the eligibility criteria for the DHA exam for different healthcare professionals.
"Willing to appear for DHA GP exam, kindly assist me for DHA GP exam syllabus, will be grateful."
Dr. Hamaish Gupta
Medical Qualification: MBBS
City, Country: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
"practicing in paeds dept since last 4 years. want to apply as paediatrics doctor for dha. want to know upcomming exam schedule as well as any study material or past papers. pls help quickly."
Amna Tariq
Medical Qualification: MBBS, DCH
City, Country: Lahore, Pakistan
"hello.. what is the exam schedule for dha general surgery. pls also question format and also type of questions asked during any oral exam."
dr parvati s.
Medical Qualification: MS General Surgery
City, Country: Delhi, india
"Assalamalikum... recently i was offered a GP job from a hospital in dubai, they want me to join before Feb after clearing dha exam but the problem is still i can't find exam schedule at dha exam website. pls assist."
Dr. Mehwish
Medical Qualification: MBBCH
City, Country: Hyderabad, India